About the VisCenter

The Ribarsky Center for Visual Analytics is a highly interdisciplinary center that applies interactive visualization and visual analytics to a variety of large scale and complex problems in science, engineering, medicine, business, design, and the arts. It was established in January, 2005 and includes over 30 faculty members and over a hundred graduate and undergraduate students. The VisCenter faculty is truly interdisciplinary with members from CS, SIS, Engineering, English, Geography and Earth Sciences, Architecture, Ethics, and other departments. The VisCenter also has one of the deepest programs anywhere in fundamental visualization, visual analytics, and human-computer interaction research with 9 faculty members doing work in these areas. The VisCenter labs provides an exciting, state-of-the-art environment for visualization and HCI research and application development with an abundance of advanced displays, interaction devices, and a large, multiscreen stereoscopic projection system. These unique facilities are available for use to all VisCenter faculty and students. In addition, faculty and students enjoy a highly interactive and collaborative environment through the VisCenter seminar series, invited speakers, symposia, workshops, social events, and other activities. The VisCenter has research funding from the Army, NIH, NSF, the Department of Homeland Security, DOE, U.S. DOT, EPA, Bank of America, and other agencies and companies.
The mission of the VisCenter is to develop and promote the science of visual analytics and to advance interactive visualization as an integrative discipline that is indispensable for attacking key real world applications.